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APRIL 11-13, 2025
Schaumburg Convention Center | Chicago, IL

Scholarship Application

Scholarship Application

2022 Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo
Scholarship Application 

A limited amount of scholarships are available for the 2022 Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo. Scholarships are for a complimentary Full Conference Pass which includes 2 1/2 days of Conference Sessions, 2 days of Exposition, Keynotes, Exhibit Floor Theater Sessions, Access to Mobile App including conference presentations, 3 days of Continental Breakfast and 2 days of Lunch, the Symposium Party, Happy Hour and Receptions on Exhibit Floor. Scholarship does not include any travel, hotel or additional meals.

To be considered for a scholarship, please complete the application below.

All applicants must complete the application to be considered. The deadline to submit an application is Friday, September 2, 2022. All submissions will be reviewed and notified by September 9, 2022.

We also offer academic and government rate pricing for the conference. To learn more please call 203-307-2696 or email [email protected].

Form goes here, screenshot below for future reference: